expand_less Benkler contrasts CBPP with Firms and Markets as a mode of production; on exploration of the concept, it is more like the original form of production from which the others originate. We are of the commons in the same way as our ancestors and all the living relations. We necessarily share a biosphere and co-create each local environment in resource webs and cycles. We inherit genetic and social assets the have enabled our peoples to survive in harmony with the web we find ourselves embedded within. They also have enabled us to respond to changes and eventually adapt to many environments.
We have always had to have faith that the stories of our ancestors will continue to serve us. For most of our history, only a few are literate and can even participate in keeping the stories our cultures have lived by, but in times of crisis the old stories fade and are replaced. If we adapt, our leaders created a new story that we could at least survive with.
Described by [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benkler,_Yochai|Yochai Benkler]] as a third [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commons-based_peer_production|mode of production]] in [[The Wealth of Networks]].