Describe the topic that will be discussed. You can fill this in with one or more links to the presentation in other media and/or include the text here.
Provide any number of links to backgrond material that might help understand the topic and broaden the discussion. Participants are not reponsible for looking at all the background material and it is provided for anyone wanting to go deeper.
This is a place to gather links and references found in the course of discussion that may warrent further investigation.
{{+*from | labeled | link}} {{+*to | labeled | link}} {{+*cc | labeled | link}} {{+*bcc | labeled | link}} {{+*subject | titled}} {{+*html message | titled}} {{+*text message | titled}} {{+*attach | titled}}
{{+*type+by name|content}}
Website: {{+website|naked}}
Email: {{+email|naked}}
Twitter: {{+at name|naked}}
Mobile: {{+mobile phone|naked}}
Desk: {{+desk phone|naked}}
Mail: {{+snail mail}}
Skype: {{+skype identity|naked}}
Tags: {{+tags|line}}
Telll the story of how the meaning of democracy has emerged in you life:
Our Stories
{{+*children| | titled}}
Declaration of Intent: {{+declaration}}
Included within the intensional scope of:
This scope includes:
(list promises, actions, etc. through searches and links to more searches)
This action furthers: {{+intention}}
Who: {{+who}}
When: {{+before date}}
{{+commitment date}}
This action is part of: {{+parent}}
Subtasks: {{+children}}
This action furthers: {{+intention}}
Who: {{+who}}
When: {{+before date}}
Committed action date: {{+commitment date}}
This action is part of: {{+parent}}
Subtasks: {{+children}}
This action furthers: {{+intention}}
Who: {{+who}}
When: {{+before date}}
{{+commitment date}}
This action is part of: {{+parent}}
Subtasks: {{+children}}
You may want *default rule instead. This way, you are creating a form for all Language cards, e.g.
replace with virtual Search: {X where X+scale is _self+universal scale} and +universal scale -> Search: {X where X-type: Scale AND X+scope-content == 1}
[[/new/{{_self|linkname}}|add {{_self|name}} card]]
{{+*type+by last create}}
[[/new/{{_self|linkname}}|add {{_self|name}} card]]
{{+*type+by update}}
[[/new/{{_self|linkname}}|add {{_self|name}} card]]
{{+*type+by update||content}}
[[/new/{{_self|linkname}}|add {{_self|name}} card]]
{{+*type+by last create}}