Commodity off-the-shelf can be said generally of hardware components and systems composed of them. This is the evolution of the PC design united only by the Intel ISA to all of the components of computer systems across scales. Evolving industry standards supported by standard functions that can be integrated in chip sets as multi-sourced components, and more general standards that foster plug-n-play to build compentents into systems and configure them. Building skills in COTS technologies also insures your skills against obsolescence because you can be sure the open tools that you learn to use will support the next generation of COTS components and systems as they emerge. Volume markets encourage competetive pressure on long-term price trends. Proprietary technology may be involved in the production of the components, and yeild great profits for companies while the competition catches up or drops out, but over time those advantages are zeroed out and all will have to compete on efficient operations and earned advantages based on skills and experience.