Declaration and Invitation+discussion

capacities or capabilities? going to leave it as capacities for now.

--Debbie.....2013-11-18 13:53:48 +0000

We must choose it for it to be just.


Ambiguous pronouns or are the individual "it"s understood?

--Debbie.....2013-11-19 16:25:33 +0000

Perhaps this paragraph should be moved to a section on collective liberty instead?


Our Declaration of Independence needed to be defended from an empirical claim of sovereignty by monarchy in order to make it stick. This brings up the question of authority. Who has the authority to make such declarations of political sovereignty? What is clear is that the American system of government is founded on individual and collective sovereignty. The actual form of government and the law follow after. Anarchy and our inalieanble rights as living beings are the only just foundations for the rule of law. We must choose it for it to be just.

--Debbie.....2013-11-19 16:30:07 +0000