Peer produced database of organizations. Maybe similar (an instance) or even use Wikirate as a portal/repository for at least part of the data. More important than the data is the social process of collaborating to build it. The process can and will evolve, but I propose we start simple.
Design the database a bit and also design a survey to support the process of building the database and expanding the collaborative network at the same time.
Starts with a header of information from the contact management system. Really, just part of the overall database because this process is circular, we are mapping the same social network that we are building/growing. There will be a function to present the next prospect/customer I should contact. It will also show the person's preferences for contact, status and all that good stuff.
We could also customize what questions to ask based on what sort of contact or the history of contact and what information is known vs. desired, but at first we can just design a list or even flowchart of things to ask. What do we need to know about each other to work together powerfully?