The main thing here is invitation. Need Michael's help here (and others). The offer is about fascillitating a space of co-learning. We need a place, a time (periodic, typically) and people. Probably we should work towards a "basic intro process/pattern" that can get things starting in one f2f meeting. Michael suggests and I agree that for many purposes, remote learning is preferable because everyone has their own workstation and network. The computer lab with an array of computers for the class is more of an anachronism already. If organizations have such classrooms, we can use them. More ideal is still more of a circular arrangement, maybe with a whiteboard or projector. Individuals can then use laptops, tablets and phones to access their own resources if they have them. The connection to the projector can move around the room as differen "presentors" arise in turn.
What kinds of classes? How do we determine who has what kinds of interests?
The participants set the agenda. Wagn and cloudstore (for example) will be things I offer to introduce, lead and help out with, but someone may want to work on Drupal and Wordpress. A crossover could be a project to put Drupal and Wordpress extensions on CloudStore where the audience is PHP consultants with those tools already "in their quiver". They will likely have their own projects and plugins that are offered as work projects in the learning space.