Open Stewardship and the Commons+Introduction+quote1

A Shift to Humility: Andrew Zolli on Resilliance and Expanding the Edge of Change

As we started to bring together these scientists and technologists and engineers and designers and people working in fields so new they had no name.  One of the highest compliments we can give someone is to call him a weirdo.  The reality is the future often belongs to the weirdos.  Something really amazing started to happen, which is that all these collaborations started to occur.  People started to do stuff,  we could barely stop them.  What's going on here, all of these people saying are going to start this project or start this company  and we decided to work on this problem together.  And so, we began to put in place the infrastructure to identify, train, refine, scale, those collaborations.  Today we run fellows programs where we identify and train some of the world's next best generation of talent in social and ecological change.    We train working scientists to become better communicators and collaborators and leaders. That network works in more than 100 countries, and serves the lives 300 billion people.  And, once a year they come back to this little village in Maine.  Part of what makes it work is that we are in someone's home.