v.1 |
Executive Summary Charley Quinton • Feb 20, 2013 |
The current workspace for this document v.1.x is on this etherpad
v.1 |
Software governance OzoneFarm • Curator: charleyquinton@gmail.com • WWW.OZONEFARM.ORG AMPLPrepared for John Cooper • Aug 15, 2012 |
OzoneFarm is a set of domains and an open brand for service providers, web developers, content creators, and other change agents who need space, structure, flexibility and visability. Collaborative design for setting up sites, building producer/consumer networks, development and production environments, repositories for code and content, network and community building, funding/budget structures, secure transaction facilities, software development support, and other essential needs.
OzoneFarm supports open standards, Free Libre and Open Source Software, open content, digital democracy, the gift economy, whole system and commons thinking and other revolutionary vehicles for making the world a better place. As an Open Brand, OzoneFarm intends to declare a set of principles that ostensibly render a high-profile view of its collective intelligence as it relates to a rapidly changing social landscape. The principles and philosophical underpinnings will be collaboratively curated on our foundation site - ozonefarm.org
OzoneFarm is also a server farm and cloud computing network administration community. We will be building brick and mortar centers all over the planet for the production and curation of all sorts of multimedia content. We will be learning and teaching how to capture performances and events in real time to create digital artifacts such as music videos, slideshows, presentations, plays and whatever else our communities do that is inspiring, productive and helpful. We are developing tools, interfaces, hardware, software and methods to streamline the tasks involved in capturing and curating these artifacts. These will all communicate over our state-of-the-art web service network - ozonefarm.net
OzoneFarm as a community is expected to grow. We will actively and adaptively develop a value based brand identity that projects a collaboratively stated set of goals, principles, methods, infrastructures, and other renderings of who we are, what we do and what we stand for. In a nutshell, We are change agents who use the Internet to foster good change toward a better world. These will be developed, curated and propagated through our brand management facility - ozonefarm.com
Part of me gets what you’re saying...
Cooperative branding
Identification with commons thinking and the gift economy has shifted the paradigm away from the corporate consumer-producer model of ownership and control of property toward a more egalitarian framework for stewardship and curation of the commons. OzoneFarm as a cause acts as a metacommunity or community of communities. The contextual core of the generic philosophy is comprised of classic and modern renderings of shared archetypal and iconic elements, sometimes understood as memes. Like genes are to RNA and DNA so memes are to projects and paradigms. Anything that can be named can be represented by a description and a main link to its details. Together, the name and description of a meme and its associated paradigm become a metaobject with a public identity.
OzoneFarm as a brand, service mark, trademark, meme or whatever it evolves into should serve in agency with a transparent network of environments ranging from ad hoc temporary mashups via handheld devices to full stack web solutions running on blade server farms. The idea is to deploy the brand to ramp up work toward an extremely pervasive commons-based approach to allocating bandwidth and storage to worthy projects driven by reputable paradigms. OzoneFarm.com showcases the most effective strategies, the most interesting discussions, the tightest communities, the best of practices, the most noble of efforts, the most remarkable circumstances, … the cream of the crop.
In our shared development spaces, object-oriented software design takes place in cycles that continuously adapt to an ever-changing base of users and developers. Unlike the producer-consumer model, the developer-user model builds around requirements and specifications gathered from the communities through transparent feedback loops. The human-machine interactions are studied both by advanced users and algorithms to adaptively sense and respond to the needs of the users and the skills of the developers. As the domains are populated, incoming users find in front of them their own tools and spaces for contributing at any level they desire. Users select pre-defined roles from drop down lists, checkboxes, radio buttons or other form elements during their trial period.
Since we began as a referral based group, our own experiences have taught us the long-term nature of what we aspire to accomplish. .. that’s why i’ll edit this later...
Gerry, … >>> http://etherpad.openstewardship.net/cq
Since sequential iterations of studio location position flow hearing seeing recording monitoring playing, working, .. whatever .. tracks circuits .. single mix .. crowdsource .. like “I like that!” layers
Layers: abstraction, visually renderable (or not), choices... stuff - substance
Aperture settings: computational methods bound to a model
Sources do the work. People on networks generate content, example when you sign up for a space, you may offer a bio as a token of your desire to participate in and contribute to …<your preference>
“Finish my...<your turn>” 9 out of 10 people will at least think “sentences” but there’s a few jokers and sad souls out there who might say “...work for me.” Which we, as a group would spurn and shun. The old scarcity mindset likes hierarchy. We prefer wirarchy ...
"...wirearchy is about the power and effectiveness of people working together through connection and collaboration … taking responsibility individually and collectively rather than relying on traditional hierarchical status."
So, what i see looks like a boat that we all climb into. Everyone grabs an ore or.. rope, helm..
Hierarchy as a design principle that informs how activities are structured is evolving from top-down direction and supervision to champion-and-channel … championing ideas and innovation, and channeling time, energy, authority and resources to testing those ideas and the possibilities for innovation carried in those ideas.
Creeping featuritus is one. Everyone loves a good metaphor from time to time. Adult play and child play are simply concurrent versions of each other. Young men like to play “Army” .. as do Old ArmChairGenerals. We want to make a way to tow the line.
The freedom and liberty we take with words in print and speech may be about all we have left (i speak as an American fool) to work with. Deriving income from silly ideas and made-up nonsense has been done [Three Stooges]. Using rich media that’s also heavy in psychologically aware, yet naturally gentle linguistic patterns. A collective sensitivity should evolve out of the flow of ideas as they have been. Bringing that from the Ozone to the Farm is the process of traversing from the intangible through the visualizable into the developable where it becomes an Artifact of Value - A Good - if we succeed. -- Wikipedia:Extensionism
From Jon Husband's text, "Hierarchy as a design principle that informs how activities are structured is evolving from top-down direction and supervision to champion-and-channel … championing ideas and innovation, and channeling time, energy, authority and resources to testing those ideas and the possibilities for innovation carried in those ideas."
Where we | 1. have been | 2. are | 3.a-shall / b-can / c-will / d-must / be fades from indeterminable to determinable to determined … collective will. I should by now have proven to be quite determined to use this silly name for good. It has a force within its conjuring. Like the sprites of old, the donkey with his cart is alive in the spirit of his character. The magic of sharing unicorns, elves, talking animals, is nothing all that different from coding and corresponding about software.
Google site | Wordpress | Facebook | FundRazor | Wikia | etc.
Google Communities - https://plus.google.com/b/102208919816560510268/communities/111123566889552217167
IdeaScale - http://ozonefarm.ideascale.com/
Now all we need is folken. I’m hoping my pals from the old CotW group will join in:
As the dreamer/schemer of OzoneFarm, Charley has filled and defined the yeoman role. His background is in interface design and fabrication with a mainly hardware perspective. His experience ranges from kitchen-table development of breadboard prototypes to assembly, troubleshooting and system integration of aircraft simulators, medical scanners, rail switching systems and the like. He is a whole system thinker dedicated to environmental reconciliation, economic justice, social liberation, and the realization of creative potential for all. He also plays a mean guitar.
An MIT graduate and computer science maven, Gerry has crafted himself a niche in the strange and wonderful world of technological democracy. He has worked extensively with the development and improvement of a rapidly-developing groupware platform called Wagn. He has participated in a broad range of projects and gatherings looking at metacurrency systems, infrastructure for the gift economy, software as a service dedicated to the Commons and many other aspects of tomorrow’s web.
Tropology lead developer OpenStewardship.net
Pamela’s is interested in “The Landscape of Change” especially related to the Internet and opportunities to learn and collaborate. She uses the name “Dadamac” when she needs to say “we” instead of “I” (which is much of the time). Dadamac is an emergent kind of thing full of apparent contradictions. Organisationally it resembles an extended family i.e. hard to say where it begins and ends, and it is scattered across the globe. It is rich in the “unquantifiables” - a track record of experimentation, practical projects, high-trust relationships, cross-cultural collaborations, masses of learning-by-doing, human networks and knowledge. Legally, for the rare occasions when money is involved, there is a registered charity and a registered company, but mostly it’s an informal network. Dadamac could never have happened without the Internet, but some of its most influential core members are in severely bandwidth-challenged situations in Africa. Pamela lives in London (Time zone either GMT or GMT+1)
Mark Dilley
Activist and community organizer … he should be here soon
Michael Miranda
Pamela McLean
Mark Dilley
1. difference/similarity (in table form) to other projects / initiatives:
as a new reader I thought: “OK, another one. And now ?”
But it’d interest me: how it differs from such (e.g. SourceForge or whatever) before I read the mantra
This helps me to find my way sooner around this project (which I know nothing about yet)
a. everyone gets to display their main haunts:
Pamela McLean - http://dadamac.net is her main domain. In addition to all the stuff you can learn about:
i. who she is
ii. what she does