Pamela McLean+Identity

Pamela’s is interested in “The Landscape of Change” especially related to the Internet and opportunities to learn and collaborate.  She uses the name “Dadamac” when she needs to say “we” instead of “I” (which is much of the time). Dadamac is an emergent kind of thing full of apparent contradictions. Organisationally it resembles an extended family i.e. hard to say where it begins and ends, and it is scattered across the globe. It is rich in the “unquantifiables” - a track record of experimentation, practical projects, high-trust relationships, cross-cultural collaborations, masses of learning-by-doing, human networks and knowledge. Legally, for the rare occasions when money is involved, there is a registered charity and a registered company, but mostly it’s an informal network. Dadamac could never have happened without the Internet, but some of its most influential core members are in severely bandwidth-challenged situations in Africa. Pamela lives in London (Time zone either GMT or GMT+1)