
 In Bootstrapping a Gift Economy, many communities will emerge to do the work of building the world we want.  Many of them already exist, and they need a boost towards becoming communities of practice, and building common assets starting with a Dynamic Knowledge Repositories for their communities.  Below we begin to describe a research program that will be created and operated largely by enthusiasts and hobbiests.

Many specimens are hurt and killed because of lack of knowledge and maturity of people who become interested with the curiosity of a child.  The pet industries are often the bad actors and the only crime of the participants is ignorance of the damage being done by these extractive intustries.  When a hobbiest's knowledge grows, he/she often becomes concerned for the health of the individuals and species that were collected, and they become interested in assisting professional scientists and technicians in proper stewardship of both the wild source environments and the specimens and their descendants in captivity.  There are deep and broad research programs that can be carried out in open collaborations within an emergent community of stewards.  The most active participants can support themselves economically by providing ecosystem services that are organized and guided by the dynamic knowledge repositories that they create in the natural knowledge sharing that is part of the work.  This is a perfect application for community/complementary currencies as well, and we intend to build the tools for these systems within and independent and connected COP.

Chelydra Serpentina, the Common snapping Turtle

Native from southeastern Canada southwest to the Rocky Mountains, Nova Scotia, Florida, and southeastern Mexico. A marvelous specimen recoginized for its bio-semiotic ability to monitor industrial pollutants.  Chicago, IL USA.  Home to approximately 2.8 million Homo Sapiens.  Introduction to Malthusian adversity in relation to Chelydra Serpentina


Provisions of ecological services in the face of Malthusian adversity+Image

Enjoying a spring day on the porch (Chicago, IL)

Provisions of ecological services in the face of Malthusian adversity+image2






  • prediction 

The big question I pose here is this.  Can ecological services be concieved, developed and provided. Thus balancing/preserving the existing local eco-system for this Chelonian here in its native-habitats in Chicago along the North West River Branch, West River Branch, Forest preserves, and even local Chicago Parks.

  • null-hypothesis


  • prediction 

Reintroduction of unwanted and abused specimens back into locally preserved ecosystems to provide bio-semiotic services.  It has become somewhat of a mildly endemic problem for members of this species.  Wild caught or captive-bred.  To have been commercially purchased, kept in captivity, then becoming unwanted and thus neglected.  This neglect need not occur and a system(ecological-service) can be put in place in which this sort of practice can be effectively remediated.

  • null-hypothesis

It is a semiotic question that has been posed when asked to formulate a null-hypothesis for this given scenario.  The idea that the reintroduction of this species will not provide any significant bio-semitioc service is already disproven.  It has also now become difficult to answer as politics and numerous other social/cultural variables are now involved.  Almost too many to ever possibly completely factor in to the system (ecological-service).  However, given a generalisation and my own personal leaning on the issue at hand, I would say that this would be characterised as a charitable and educational service to society.  Also, given that it is done properly and under review, this could have the same potential to revitalise local eco-systems in the same manner some have begun to envision morphing deserts into rain forests.   





  • geophysical 
  • biological
  • bio-semiotic



  • benchmarking




  • problem solving


