expand_less An entity capable of forming intentions and acting on them.
In economic orthodoxy, [[Homo Economicus|idealizes the agent]] is modelled in ways that are completely inappropriate for any being who has agency.  Any modelling or analysis that we do with these systems will be just plain wrong unless we account for agency and agents in a much deeper way.  For one thing, the activity of modelling and analysis is one of an unbounded range of things agents can do to implement their agency.  This unbounded range isn't any fixed thing that we can name, but represents a historical exploration of many agents.  We call this exploration history and its current state culture.  To correct this error the agent must be modelled as a combination of a particular kind of agent, and the history of experience and culture of populations of these agents.
In a similar way, we can beging to account for collective agency and how that has been historically constucted.  Too many examples of collective agency are constructed by referring decisions to the top of a social hierarchically, or to some lower point of delegated authority.  Fortunatly, there are other models and they are becoming more inportant in governing collective action.  Open source software development has lead the way, and we now have many other examples of the [[A Wealth of Networks|peer to peer form of production]].