expand_less Basics
Set your site name, home card, and logo image:


Sets / Settings
You can apply [[settings]] (configurations) to [[sets]] (groups) of cards.


The [[*all]] set is for site-wide defaults:


Email / Account Configuration
Configure account-related emails here:

By default, system emails come from [[/card/options/Wagn_Bot| Wagn Bot's email address]] (set via the Options tab).

{{Wagn Bot|closed}}

You can [[http://www.wagn.org/wagn/custom_sign-up_information|further configure signups]] by [[http://www.wagn.org/wagn/formatting|formatting]] [[Account Request]] and [[User]] cards.
[[http://www.wagn.org/wagn/account#Administering%20accounts | Learn more about configuring accounts.]]
Miscellaneous options
{{*css|closed;type:HTML}} [[http://wagn.org/wagn/Skin|How to "skin" your Wagn]]
{{*sidebar|closed}} [[http://wagn.org/wagn/sidebar|How to customize your sidebar]]
{{*tinyMCE|closed}} [[http://wagn.org/wagn/TinyMCE|How to customize your edit toolbar]]
{{*google analytics key|closed; type:Phrase}} [[http://wagn.org/wagn/Google_Analytics|How to set up Google Analytics]]
{{*favicon|closed;type:Image}} [[http://www.wagn.org/wagn/favicon|How to customize your favicon]]