
My thoughts about notifications are along these lines. When you publish to a circle (could also use "membrane" term, but let's stick with circle in our design), this will be in the context of a publisher implementation (the system, not just the agents who publish through it), so that implementation handles all of that.
There will be a static and dynamic concept here, the publishing system will maintain a static view for any circles it supports locally as well as provide all the options for dynamic actions (notifications via email, twitter, whatever). Our reference implementation will have some set of supported protocols and methods, and ODC networked implementations can do these and/or some others they need for their users.
There should also be efficient protocols for networked servers to keep each others circles in sync, but in principle each participant only needs to worry about the circles they are in.
--[[Gerry]].....2017-03-03 14:41:27 UTC