expand_less The inspiration for this is in ideas about language acts and an open currency design called Flowplace. From my experience with language acts, I thought the best was to conceptualize this design is in terms of language acts that are the lowest level or atomic elements of design. Without digging into the whole theory and focus on the one class of speach act that is centrally important, that is declaration. A declarative speach act is characterized by the way that way is spoken constitute the action performed. Whether it is a judge declaring guilt or not, or a couple expressing commitment in reciprical "I dos", the words spoken make something true that wasn't before they are declared.
I submit that all of the speach actions in the cycle of wealth bulding that we will call the wealing cycle on the analogy of health to healing are declarative acts. They will certainly be surrounded by connected assertions of facts or assessments from experience, but each phase of this cycle will be advanced by declarations. Going through them in a quick summary, first we have declarations of intent that will provide boundaries for the whole cycle and thereby all of the phases. It provides the destination so that in the final cycle of assessments that lead to declaration of value we know what to be grateful for and what outcomes are a disappointment. In the second phase we are declaring our commitments for actions in the next phase where all of the work is actually performed. The action might have nothing to do with words or language except to declare it complete and ready for the last phase where we declare gatitude and give thanks as well as performing critical evaluations.
If there are shortfalls, we can respond by declaring a new intention and starting the cycle over. We can also speed through this cycle in quick exchanges where most of the work is done in the declaring and acknowledging. One person declares intent to change or be different and the responder acknowdges the declaration implicitly agreeing to help them by progressively acknowledging the work as needed. In other words, what a couch or a mentor does for us.