Chicago Civic Calendar

Chicago Civic Calendar

UI-UX Thoughts


Must have elements

Create a Wagn Cardtype card (named Event)

Link to event -- type:Phrase (consider creating an external link type)

desc of event -- type:Basic
date/time of event -- type:Date - type:Phrase (consider adding types Time and maybe Datetime too)
short desc of event -- type:Basic
address of event -- type:Basic (or separate type:Phrase cards for Address Address2, City, State, ZIP)
title of event -- this is the cardname
category of event - topic(e.g. environment, civil liberties, etc.)  -- Create a Cardtype card, name Category, use category+*right+*default -> Pointer and special pointer settings
category of event - type (e.g. rally, meeting, etc.)  -- Create a Cardtype card, name EventType, and *right rules as above
logo -- type:Image
cost -- type:Phrase (consider adding a Money type)
Twitter Handle and Hashtag -- type:Phrase
FB event page -- type:Phrase

 ability to make event recurring 

limit editing of an event to the person who posted it

Allow people to create accounts so they can post things. Account should have

  • Name 
  • Username -- Name of the User card
  • Email -- email is part of account signup process, but is typically private (admin access only)

Consider having

Map showing where event is (like chicago eventmap)  -- Will require a little module development

Color coding events (either based on topic or type)

Search function for event types

Personal account info could include 

  • Twitter
  • Interests
  • assets
  • linkedin





James > Sept. 20th 2013 

Gentlemen -

I just wanted to thank you again for coming out last night. I think we could do some really great things together, and I look forward to working with all of you.
As you know, our first coding project will be building a community calendar. Ben was good enough to forward links to the different calendar prototypes/code that we talked about: Calgator and Eventmap. The links are below...please check them out.
Also, Gerry was good enough to volunteer to host our online discussions/design discussions on his Wagn page. I briefly checked out the Wagn site last night, and it looks really cool and like it could help us out. For those of you who didn't get the address for Gerry's site, here it is:
Have a great weekend!
Charles > Sept. 23rd 2013
This is an excellent Jquery plugin.  Works on arrays of events/appointments.  With the addition of a few minor event hooks it could do exactly what we need it to.  Here is the link to the plugin.
Charles Feret