Chicago Civic Calendar
Chicago Civic Calendar
Must have elements
Create a Wagn Cardtype card (named Event)
Link to event -- type:Phrase (consider creating an external link type)
desc of event -- type:Basic
date/time of event -- type:Date - type:Phrase (consider adding types Time and maybe Datetime too)
short desc of event -- type:Basic
address of event -- type:Basic (or separate type:Phrase cards for Address Address2, City, State, ZIP)
title of event -- this is the cardname
category of event - topic(e.g. environment, civil liberties, etc.) -- Create a Cardtype card, name Category, use category+*right+*default -> Pointer and special pointer settings
category of event - type (e.g. rally, meeting, etc.) -- Create a Cardtype card, name EventType, and *right rules as above
logo -- type:Image
cost -- type:Phrase (consider adding a Money type)
Twitter Handle and Hashtag -- type:Phrase
FB event page -- type:Phrase
ability to make event recurring
limit editing of an event to the person who posted it
Allow people to create accounts so they can post things. Account should have
- Name
- Username -- Name of the User card
- Email -- email is part of account signup process, but is typically private (admin access only)
Consider having
Map showing where event is (like chicago eventmap) -- Will require a little module development
Color coding events (either based on topic or type)
Search function for event types
Personal account info could include
- Interests
- assets
James > Sept. 20th 2013
Gentlemen -